Fringe 2026
Frequently asked questions
What kind of works does the Festival present?
The Festival focuses on contemporary, cutting-edge and socially engaged performing and live art works.
How can I submit my proposal to the Fringe?
- Look through 2025’s Festival line up to get a feel of the Festival.
- If you consider your work suitable for the Festival as a contemporary, cutting-edge and socially engaged work, please read the Instructions for Applications and complete the Application Form ︎︎︎.
- Email us the completed application form and all supporting documents.
- Deadline: Friday 7 March 2025, noon Singapore time. We will not accept late or incomplete applications.
Why should I participate in the Singapore Fringe Festival?
The Festival is an exciting and inclusive festival of live art. It is known for its strong programming. Through the Festival, we aim to present excellent and bold new works on social issues to the Singapore audience.
The Fringe aims to promote innovation and discussion. It does so through meaningful art, so that we think more deeply about how we are connected in this complex world.
Through the Fringe, you will be able to reach out to new audiences in Singapore and the region. Also, you can tap upon our organisational and production expertise in the presentation of your work. Additionally, you will meet fellow artists from all over the world. This is a wonderful opportunity for networking. It also encourages future collaboration amongst artists.
What is the selection process like?
The Fringe team collates and reviews all the applications that come in. We will inform all applicants of the results of the shortlisting by Friday 6 June 2025. Selected applicants will then need to provide us with more information on:
- their funding status,
- availability,
- technical requirements, and so on.
Usually, the Festival is programmed for a specific year. However, we may consider your proposal for a future year if we are keen on your work, but cannot include it for the current year.
How can I contact the Festival?
Please call us at (65) 6440 8115 or email
Photo by ZIVANAI MATANGICommission Continua by Noma Yini (South Africa)
Image Description: A production photo of Commission Continua. A Black man looks ahead of him with a small smirk and lips parted slightly. He is wearing glasses, and is dressed neatly in a grey short-sleeved shirt and high-waisted black pants. His black curly hair and facial hair are closely cropped. He lightly holds onto a bright pink post-it note with some scribbles with both hands. One side of the post-it rests between two fingers on his left hand, while his right hand pinches the other side of the post-it.